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We can enliven the creativity that drives the universe through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.



Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the knowledge and experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law
Part 3
by Global Good News staff writer
27 September 2007

This is the conclusion of the talk by Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, on the nature of the Unified Field as the source of the creativity in the universe and the individual, and how this knowledge benefits the
development projects of a nation through use of the Raam Currency.

Dr Hagelin said that we can look at the galaxies, stars, and their distribution throughout the heavens and confirm that, indeed, all this came from the Unified Field. He presented a photograph of the distribution of galaxies throughout the heavens where every single tiny
orange pinprick on the chart represented a cluster of galaxies.

'A galaxy like our Milky Way has about 400 billion suns,' Dr Hagelin said. 'In this picture we are looking across the radius of the universe and every tiny dot in the chart is a cluster of galaxies. What you see, when you model exactly this shape, is a scale-invariant distribution.
This means it is just a macroscopic blow-up of the microscopic structure of the vacuum fluctuations of the Unified Field—which confirms that all of this came from that.... And this field at the basis of mind and matter is a field of pure creativity, because it's the origin of the entire universe.... All of this simply came from that,
establishing that the Unified Field is a field of infinite creativity.'

Dr Hagelin presented a number of quotations from the Vedic Literature that express the nature of the Unified Field, such as, 'That which is smaller than the smallest, is also bigger than the biggest.'

'The smaller than the smallest—this is the fluctuations of the Unified Field at the super-unified scale, the level of the Superstring. And what is bigger than the biggest in our universe? The large scale structure of galaxies
across the distant heavens', Dr Hagelin explained. 'And we see that they are the same. The large scale structure of galaxies is nothing but the submicroscopic structure of the Unified Field. That is what establishes the Unified Field as the source of the universe, and the field of infinite creativity.

'A second Vedic expression is "That which is far away is also within." That which is far away, the Unified Field as the distant structure of galaxies across the wide heavens, is also found within as the origin of human

consciousness, the field of pure creativity at the basis of the mind.

'Another expression is, "At a far distance is seen the indweller of the house reverberating." That means the reverberations of Atma, the fluctuations of our own inner consciousness, the Self, are seen at a far, far distance. That is, the whole macroscopic universe is a
macroscopic mosaic, a big cosmic blow-up of our innermost Self.'

Dr Hagelin also presented a fourth Vedic expression saying, ' "From fullness, fullness emerges, and taking out fullness from fullness, fullness yet remains." The fullness of the universe with its infinity of galaxies emerges from the fullness of utter emptiness, the absolute, transcendental, unmanifest Unified Field. Yet, taking the universe out of the Unified Field, the Unified Field eternally remains.

'It is this creativity that drives the universe. That we enliven [through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme] in every single farmer, every single participant in all of these developmental projects of the Global Financial Capital of New York,' continued Dr
Hagelin. 'This distinguishes these projects from other types of developmental projects that have failed to develop the individual creativity of the individuals involved and therefore really failed to produce what they
were intended to produce.'

Dr Hagelin then talked about the Global Development Currency, the Raam, the currency of the Global Country of World Peace, which is used to finance the development projects, such as Vedic Organic Agriculture in countries around the world. 'The Raam is not consumed in the process,' said Dr Hagelin. 'It is merely exchanged and re-exchanged and flows as a currency. The presence of the Raam stimulates the project and develops a new wealth for the country, new crops, new infrastructure, and export currencies which come from the exportation of organic produce, the fastest growing portion of the agricultural markets in the world today.'

Dr Hagelin concluded, 'So whether we are talking about tapping the creativity of the citizens of a country—the most precious human resource of every country—or unleashing the creativity of the financial resources of a country, or the natural and agricultural resources of a
country through the Raam catalytic currency, all of these principles of creativity are based upon the most scientific knowledge of our age.

'These are the only programmes in the world in terms of human and capital development—the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its advanced techniques, and the Raam Development Currency. These are the only development programmes in the world that actually utilize the most advanced and complete science of creativity on earth to accomplish what no other programmes have accomplished so far.'

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit:
Global Financial Capital of New York.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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