Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Some of the benefits of meditation for students are higher performance levels, lower levels of depression and anxiety, and higher rates of graduation.



10 benefits of meditation for students
by TM Home website
May 2014

BestCollegesOnline.com has created a beautifully designed overview of academic studies on the benefits of meditation for students.

In the compilation, benefits of meditation for students are grouped into 10 sub-categories. It is noteworthy that in 9 out of those areas, the research results mention explicitly the technique of Transcendental Meditation.

Benefits of meditation for students, grouped into 10 areas:

1. Overall rise in IQ levels
Students in the Transcendental Meditation group saw increases in brain function across the board, but most dramatically in measurements of creative thinking, practical intelligence, and IQ.

2. Academic stress goes down
Students who participated in 3 months of Transcendental Meditation practice reported lower levels of stress. They also had increased concentration, more alertness, and greater resistance to the physical effects of stress during exams.

3. Improved academic achievement
Students were asked to practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day over a three-month period. At the end of that period, meditating students showed considerably improved academic performance—41% of students participating in the study showed improvement in both math and English scores (compared with 14% improving in the non-meditating group).

4. Better results for ADHD students
At the end of the three-month period, students practicing Transcendental Meditation reported 50% reductions in stress, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms. Researchers also found improved brain functioning, increased brain processing, and improved language-based skills.

5. Better brain integrity and efficiency
University students were found to have changes in the fibers in the brain area related to regulating emotions and behavior. These changes became clear via brain imaging equipment with just 11 hours of meditation practice—leading to better cognitive and intellectual performance. The same changes were not seen in the control group.

6. Reduction in destructive addiction (drugs, alcohol)
A study looking at both students and adults found that daily Transcendental Meditation practice greatly reduced both substance abuse problems and antisocial behavior. The results held true for all classes of drugs including illegal substances, alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription medications, with meditation being in many cases two or three times more effective than traditional drug prevention and education programs.

7. Lower absenteeism, better behaviour
At the end of a study with 45 African-American high school students, the researchers found that the Transcendental Meditation group had notably lower levels of absenteeism, lower levels of behavior incidents at school, and lower levels of suspension.

8. Happier, more confident students
Researchers at the University of Michigan found 60 6th-graders to participate in a study, asking a group of them to take part in daily practice of Transcendental Meditation over a four-month period. Researchers reported that students got higher scores on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence than when they started the program and when compared to their peers who did not meditate.

9. Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases
Regular Transcendental Meditation helps to reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and depression among college students. A study chose 298 students at random, with a subset of students at risk for hypertension also analyzed. After three months, students who were formerly at-risk of hypertension showed a major change in blood pressure, associated with a 52% lower risk of developing hypertension in later years.

10. Reduction in depression and anxiety
Research at Charles Drew University found that participation in Transcendental Meditation practice led to significant reductions in depressive symptoms(an average of 48% lower than the control group). That was true even for those who had indications of clinically significant depression.

BestCollegesOnline.com is a website dedicated to guiding students towards the most challenging and satisfying academic experiences. To achieve this aim, the site reports regularly on latest trends in higher education.


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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